Cucumis - خدمة الترجمة المجانية على الخط
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ترجمات كاملة

مشروع - Help with understanding

لغة مصدر
لغة الهدف

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مشروع - Help with understanding لغة مصدر
تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
انجليزي S furnace and an apparatus for manufacturing a...
Smelting furnace and a device for producing a molten iron including the same.
English speakers are welcome :o)
Please help to clear what "including the same" means in this context. It is the title of an article. Does "including the same" means that this device includes molten iron, or that the device includes the same that this furnace, or something else?

ترجمات كاملة
روسيّ Печь и аппарат для производства...
مشروع - Help with understanding لغة مصدر
تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
انجليزي Time stamp
Each packet in an FLV streams contains a 'time stamp', and each time stamp represents one millisecond (or 1/1000 of a second). So a packet with time stamp 500 will display half-a-second into the video, and a packet with time stamp 23,000 will display 23 seconds into a video.
I need to know exactly what in this context means the phrase "into the video". Is this means "the package appears inside the video within N seconds" or "the package lasts for N seconds"?

ترجمات كاملة
روسيّ Метки времени